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Xiangwang Memorial House

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Location: Suqian
Address: 1 Xiangwang Road, Suqian, Jiangsu
Operation: 8:00 - 17:00
Route: Bus No. 1, 4, to the memorial house

Phone: 86-527-424 0638

This memorial house is for the King of the West Chu State, Xiang Yu (232 – 201 B.C.) – a well known Chinese historic hero in the late Qin Dynasty.

Yu began his military career as an army commander–in–chief and became one of the most famous legendary figures in his time. Working with his uncle Xiang Liang, Yu was one of the best generals who overturned the Qin Dynasty through rebellion. After his uncle died in a battle, Xiang Yu continued fighting Qin’s remaining forces, and established the West Chu State in Chinese history.

However, Yu eventually lost the battle with one of the insurgents, Liu Bang. Yu’s failure forced him to commit suicide on the shore of the Chu River. There were lots of factors that caused his kingdom to collapse and one of them was that he did not take helpful suggestions from his advisors.

Although he was defeated by Liu Bang, Xiang Yu was still respected by many Chinese nationalities who admired his bravery, caring for soldiers, and forthrightness.

This memorial house was established immediately after his death and later underwent many renovations supported by local wealthy families and authorities. Now, the historic and heritage place occupies half hectare and has been listed as one of Jiangsu’s Prestigious Provincial Historic and Heritage sites for tourism.

A historic place with a history of more than 2,000 years. Recommended

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